Agriculture Program

Car Loader Chain



Sample Request

DIN Grade Ø(dn) Dimension
Special 80 8,0 8 x 22,8
766 80 8,0 8 x 24
32895 80 8,0 8 x 31
766 80 9,0 9 x 27
32895 80 9,0 9 x 31
Special 80 9,5 9,5 x 26,2
Special 80 9,5 9,5 x 27
Special 80 10,0 10,0 x 26,5
766 80 10,0 10 x 28
32895 80 10,0 10 x 31
32895 80 10,0 10 x 35
Special 80 10,0 10 x 38
766 80 11,0 11 x 31
32895 80 11,0 11 x 35
Ø(dn) Case Hardened (G 50) DIN 32895 (G 70) FORCE CHAIN (G 80)
mm WLL (t) MTF (t) BLL (t) WLL (t) MTF (t) BLL (t) WLL (t) MTF (t) BLL (t)
8,0 1,28 3,19 5,10 1,80 4,50 7,20 2,05 5,13 8,20
9,0 1,63 4,06 6,50 2,28 5,69 9,10 2,60 6,50 10,40
9,5 1,81 4,53 7,25 2,54 6,34 10,15 2,90 7,25 11,60
10,0 2,00 5,00 8,00 2,80 7,00 11,20 3,20 8,00 12,80
11,0 2,44 6,09 9,75 3,41 8,53 13,65 3,90 9,75 15,60
12,0 2,89 7,22 11,55 4,04 10,11 16,17 4,62 11,55 18,48
13,0 3,39 8,47 13,55 4,74 11,86 18,97 5,42 13,55 21,68
14,0 3,96 9,91 15,85 5,55 13,87 22,19 6,34 15,85 25,36
16,0 5,13 12,81 20,50 7,18 17,94 28,70 8,20 20,50 32,80

Connecting Solution

According to customers' request, we can produce any dimensions of connecting links

Ø ( dn ) Dimension
8 8 x 31
9 9 x 31
10 10 x 31
10 10 x 35
11 11 x 35
12 12 x 36
13 13 x 45

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